President Washington...Hello again wherever you are...
And, by George, wherever that might be, my guess is you've stopped shaking your head at the stew later generations of bureaucrats and elected 'public-servants' have made of your hard-fought Republic - and you've run for the brandy!
"We The People" feel like running for some brandy too - but truly there isn't enough spirits on the planet to help us cope with how massively disappointing the decades of people in public office have been...
So substandard are the parade of people in local, state and federal public office that I only need the fingers of both hands to count those who 'aren't' so ambitiously blind - they are willing to see their homeland literally sold out for personal ambitions. [See: Working Without A Net: VOTING IN AMERICA (
TAXING THE RICH...One million [US] dollars just doesn't buy what it once did! How amazing is that? So in this 21st Century who is considered 'rich'? Certainly none of the politicians who are calling for greater taxation of 'the-rich'. Since the vast majority seated in our Congress and Senate have become millionaires - many times over - are they paying their fair-share... And - who are the 'rich' the politicians routinely vilify? A high percentage of the 'rich' did not inherit wealth. They are self-made business owners who worked 24/7/365 at great risk over several years to get their idea/business/invention off the ground. And - if those who are now 'rich' had not done what they did - you and I would not have been able to apply for work at the companies we now take for granted. [See: Working Without A Net: RICH IN AMERICA (
Inflation: between 2015 and Covid the cost of nearly everything suddenly took a giant leap from costingin the millions to the billions then to the trillions! Why? But, besides that 'inflation' never goes 'down' [per say] it just gets recalculated based on productivity and wages. A simple example: a 9oz box of crackers mid-way, 1980 [with an inflation rate of 11.6%] was $1.59. Mid-way, 2023 [with inflation--supposedly--down to 4.4%] the price of those crackers varies between stores shelves and online at $3.88. Is anyone minding our grocery stores for price gouging...
Debt-Ceiling: Are they serious? There is no ceiling! In fact there's no roof either because there's no fiscal accountability. [Term Limits - Term Limits - Term Limits.]
Budgets: lets' take a peek at waste and mismanagement - though you may need to be seated with a brown paper bag close by...Just the 'estimated' fraud claims against Medicare alone have risen to between 50 and 60 Billion a year. [Of all the agencies that need an increase in staffing to investigate it's Medicare not the IRS.] Then there's an actual 778 Billion dollars of over-payments, waste and cost over-runs paid by the Pentagon since 2019! And these are only two Federal Budget items that our illustrious legislative members can see for themselves thanks to the stats diligently collected by the Manhattan Institute. However, before you review the website of the Manhattan Institute you're may need another brandy...
INNER SPACE: First let us take a look at weather, 4+ billion years of unsettled weather that is, with asteroids and meteorites and volcanos and earthquakes...All of which Earth is still experiencing. So, Climate Change? Earth's climate has 'never-not' been changing -and- warming - and cooling - and warming - and cooling - and... [We could likely save the planet sooner if our "Climate Czar" John Kerry, wasn't flying his jet to interfere with unsuspecting farmers in other countries like the Netherlands and Ireland. Apparently there's a quest to reduce cattle and pig production--because--they 'fart'! I guess none of those huge dinosaurs farted...]
Anyway...My very first semester of my very first year of geology my professor explained the impact of the 5 [previous] major Ice Ages. Between those ice ages were major warming trends at which time global water levels rose significantly. Plant life flourished and so did animal life - like dinosaurs. Believe it or not what is now the North American mountain chain affectionally known as The Rockies, [formed from central Alberta to northern New Mexico] was once an impressive stretch of scenic sandy beach that ran from northern Alberta to southern New Mexico. [See: Working Without A Net: "GREEN" & "CLEAN" IN AMERICA ( and Working Without A Net: FOSSIL FUELS IN AMERICA (
Why can't the herd of PhDs at NASA turn their creative attention to 'this planet' and it's environmental issues like an efficient cost effective system of recycling paper, glass and plastic - and - reducing greenhouse pollutants due to poor forest management that causes out of control forest fires - and - develop an expanded water reservoir network system so more rainwater is stored for increasing electrical needs and mitigate drought cycles - and - cultivate a global reforestation program...Just asking for a 'friend'...
CITIZENSHIP...Also, speaking of this planet [I've said this before] Earth is 'our-home'. No matter how many rockets are sent to the moon or to Mars or to outer space, Earth is it folks. This planet is 'home' to all of us, we are 'all' citizens of here...
THE FOOD PYRAMID... If our Climate Czar wants to be entirely ESG then the 'only-simple-food' has an Earth source - in dirt. Even our animal protein gets their nourishment from grasses, seeds and other vegetables grown in dirt...So - very sorry but if anyone cares to read the list of ingredients [if you can pronounce them] on the packages of Twinkies, Froot Loops or Cheetos you'll know why none of them should be included... This means - if anyone needs to drop a few or several pounds then eat all you want of only-simple-food. You'll be able to recognize them because most come ready-to-eat in their own packaging like - apples or bananas or carrots or cucumber etc...
VIOLENCE & MASS SHOOTINGS...We are what we watch. If young[er] impressionable minds watch only Reality-Programing [that is scripted for ratings] or only one maybe two news networks [that is also scripted for ratings] or video games with guns and movies/television with guns--then--why this country continues to see [real-life] gun violence and death repeated every-single-day is not a mystery. Bullying is not addressed in our schools, but then neither is respect or common curtesy -so- suicides among our young should not be a mystery...Kids are pulled from homes with dysfunctional parents [who often grew up with dysfunctional parents or foster parents] then the 'rescued' kids are placed in foster-care and moved from foster home to foster home until they age out at 18 on their own -so- homelessness should not be a mystery... Working Without A Net: PRISON REFORM IN AMERICA (
WE THE PEOPLE: are [according to our Constitution] supposed to be in charge. However, every time 'we' ask our local - county - state -or- federal representatives to 'do' something, 'change' something or 'fix' something ---- they too often feel compelled to comply- too often by creating another new department in order to 'do' or 'change' or 'fix' whatever it is/was 'we' complained about...But they only comply if/when there's more money in it - as in future taxes by increasing their 'budget....So - fellow travelers every time we 'ask' the people we elected/hired to 'do' something we give up more of 'our' authority and when we don't make the people who work for us answerable, we allow the bar of our own standards to drop lower...
THE 2024 ELECTION...Our freedom requires diligent effort - like weeding a garden - to maintain, daily. I'm encouraged by the quality of 'some' of the people seeking election and reelection, but only because I've been tracking their careers and/or voting records. This is 'not' brilliance on my part. Anyone can research the people who seek our vote/trust. So please, for your sake/future - don't accept any more Charm-School-Sales-Pitches from people in public office...They 'are' accountable - then after they are elected they remain accountable. The authority of Public Positions is temporary and 'borrowed'. All authority is borrowed from 'us'--"We The People"...
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