It's not age per say that's a problem. I say that because Clint Eastwood just turned 94 and I'm sure he still has no plans to stop making movies and retire... But what is a problem is ETHICS. How are those we/voters entrusted with time and authority and influence affected/effected by Ethics?
Has Biden violated his oath of office when he ignored the immigration laws already in place then opened our borders in order to pad his voting base? Is that conduct an impeachable offence? Did Trump violate his oath of office when he did not do more to settle the protestors who assembled the day before - January 6th?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
Effective or ineffective management is from the top-down. Warren Buffet the historically successful investor in company after company - routinely seeks out businesses that have a track record of effective management practices. Let us/voters become more involved in the 'business' of our management and 'not' settle for marginal management abilities. Not only can we 'not' afford marginal from a fiscal perspective - we cannot afford marginal from a national or global 'security' perspective!
Sadly, three members of the Supreme Court missed a golden opportunity to work with the other six, by placing the importance that is due - to clearly define a president's authority in terms of Official/for the country or Unofficial/for personal gain. To me this question was not so much a Trump issue as a Biden issue too - and - an issue for any and all future presidents...
As a Registered Independent I like [D] Dean Philips -and- [R] Niki Haley. I haven't decided yet which name I shall WRITE IN on my November ballot - but I won't in all good conscience be able to vote for either of the present nominees - so - I'm 'not'.
NOTE: August 24--update... Well, much has shifted since I published this blog post - so now what?
Effectively nothing has changed 'much'. I'm still not impressed with either candidate, but with Dean Phillip's name or presence nowhere to be found and Niki Haley relegated to a token convention speech then sent home, the [latent] rebel side of me might protest by writing in my own name [I] Sherrie Todd...
After decades of half-truths, backroom, under the table and side deals, graft and self-serving, our tangled 'political-web' has truly reached a critical mass-mess in which few ethical people can survive. Sadly, George Washington's Republic is in trouble...
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