Thursday, June 2, 2022


Dear George,

When you were President Mr. Washington, what caused inflation in the colonies? For heat there was wood, coal, peat and/or colonizing other warmer countries.  For light there were candles, that too often set things on fire or oil lamps that weren't much safer. For clothing there was wool, cotton, linen and silk. For transportation there was horses. But, in Colonial America, no oil...

The discovery of oil in 1859 changed everything. Though the invention of nylon was another 76 years away with Spandex and Lycra an additional 24 years beyond that. When nylon surfaced in 1935 the fashion world took swift notice. 

Leap two decades into another century and by 2022 thousands of clothing items from formal evening wear to workout togs contain some or mainly Spandex. I'm not sure the Olympics or even any sport is possible today without clothing made from Spandex! 

My convoluted point here, is, that none of these inventions [or the 500,000 others] were possible without the discovery of oil--of which [most critics 'still' drive vehicles with combustion engines] none have seen objections even though plastic-based products increased by 8.7% each year--every year--since 1934...

None, that is, except those plastic straws. When the entire population of Baby Boomers were in high school [never mind 'when' that was] we only used paper straws. But by the end of the 60s plastic had replaced paper as cleaner and more durable. In the scheme of things why the organization "Lonely Whale" targeted the humble, tiny drinking straw as an environmental pariah when every day in America we use 60,000 plastic water bottles--is a puzzle...Why didn't they malign plastic water bottle manufacturing? Why indeed...

Since mock environmental activists like [child-star] Greta Thurnberg are quick to accuse the older generation of planet mismanagement I'd like to point out that the vast majority of Baby Boomer offspring began life and graduated to potty training in 'cloth' diapers

The [Jan 2018-Jan 2019] estimate for the number of disposable diapers just in the United States for one year was between 28 and 34 Billion! For America alone this meant about 250,000 trees were used as well as over 3.4 billion gallons of oil. For that amount of fossil fuel we could have powered over 5,222,000 cars in that same 12 months. [Do I see a show of hands from the gallery of environmental activist switching immediately [back] to cloth???]

But hey - I'm just getting started so strap in with your tray tables up...

Let's continue with WIND!...Building 'one' wind turbine requires 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete and--drum roll please-- 45 TONS of  [NONRECYCLABLE]  PLASTIC. [And ohhh the math on this one is a stunner.] To make one ounce of plastic requires 4 gallons of crude oil. Because there are 42 gallons in one barrel, it takes one barrel of oil to make about 10.5 ounces of plastic. [Stay with me now.] One U.S. Ton equals 32,000 ounces, but 45 Tons breaks down to 1,440,000 ounces of plastic--therefore in one moderately sized [250 foot] wind turbine, in the production of plastic alone requires over 13,700 barrels of oil! Okay John Kerry what 'shade' of 'green' might that be...

When I was contracted by Oil Week Magazine in 2010 to write a feature on wind-power, my research did 'not' make several advertiser/investors happy - at all. They weren't happy because even with huge government subsidies wind-power wasn't ever going to be cost effective nor was it ever going to supplement our energy needs/electrical grid--unless--there were much smaller turbines beside every chimney on every roof.  AND-- none of the utility companies would allow that. Infact--they have steadily acquired vast acres of land for wind farms and solar-farms and no longer encourage individual solar panels on residential or commercial roof tops.

And speaking of SOLAR...Making one 320 watt solar panel requires 16.4 barrels of oil. [One barrel of oil refined for vehicle gasoline use equals 19 gallons.]. However, not all solar panels are created equal which means the best [golden] efficiency standard of all available photon rays emitted by the sun and absorbed, is 24%.

Then too - if you're curious about the toxins and landfill issues created by wind turbines and solar panels - I was down this [similar] road with my October 13/2021 blog GREEN AND CLEAN IN AMERICA. 

We absolutely need to be responsible caretakers of this planet we all share--but not at the fraudulent expense of creating pseudo solutions with consequences that are more trendy than remedy. One prime example has been the push for gas powered vehicles to be more fuel efficient...Great cause, but in order to make our trucks, vans and cars more fuel efficient they had to be lighter. But, in order to be lighter many parts and the outer shell designs had to be made from plastic instead of metal. Today 50% of our cars are plastic including safer/softer dashboards and durable airbags. [More plastic, as you realize now means more fossil fuels.]

From oil industry byproducts 21st Century consumers [here and everywhere] have toys, car seats, small and large appliances, computers and cell phones, IPads and electronic Notebooks. There's synthetic rubber for tires, doors, window profiles, flooring, insulation. From paraffin wax there's shoe polish, cosmetics and safe covers for wires that conduct electricity. Farming uses fertilizers synthesized from fossil fuels like nitrogen and potassium - as well as pesticides. Detergents, made by heating fats and oils react with alkali and glycerin in soap making. Besides Tupperware and Glad food containers there's shipping and packing materials - and - furniture...And...

To even suggest purging America of fossil fuels [by 2030] is somewhere between ignorant and irresponsible.  [Just visualize the few items I listed above as gone by 2030.]  A good deal of the 'supply-chain' begins with the 131 operating refineries. Eliminating them eliminates most of the U.S. manufacturing sector. Just the medical field alone requires ultrasound systems, defibrillators, exhalation and inhalation valves and tubes, CT systems, X-ray machines, dozens of types of surgical and general band aids, protective masks, gloves, gowns...Just the numerous types of sanitized packaging alone is critical to medicine. 

This brings me to the latest 'green' trend - which is the mega-push for electric vehicles. Hybrids like the Prius make more sense, but costly EVs  would not bother me so much IF the same environmental-mentality that seeks to eliminate all fossil fuels by 2030 wasn't the same short-term thinking that halted development of new reservoirs and hydroelectric damns. Granted hastily planned damns indiscriminately set to block the natural flow of rivers disrupted fish and certain animal species, but those same fish and wildlife found homes in and around the damn created lakes. 
Presently U.S. electricity by [aging] sources are:
*1,793 Natural Gas-powered plants, generating 34% of our electricity;
*400 Coal-powered plants, generating 30% of our electricity;
*61 Nuclear-powered plants, generating 20% of our electricity;
*1,444 Hydro-powered plants, generating 7% of our electricity;
*999 Wind-powered plants, generating 6% of our electricity;
*1,721 Solar-powered plants, generating 1% of our electricity;
*1,076 Oil-powered plants, generating 1/2% of our electricity.
Question: with wind and solar only providing 7% of our present needs then 'how' in the next eight years or even 18 years will wind and solar leap to supply the remaining 93% without producing thousands 'more' turbines and panels - that require more fossil fuel to produce? 

An environmental tug-of-war between special-interest-groups [Green-New-Deal] who perceive the rest of us [Main-Street] as living with a callus disregard for the planet's environment - shouldn't be an all-or-nothing attack. What happened to major recycling? The recycling rate in the U.S. stalled at 34.6% in 2014. Since then greater federal subsidies went to far more expensive programs like solar, wind and EVs, while scaling back on the smaller residential and community based collection projects for paper, plastic, metal and glass has caused increased dumping in our oceans and landfills. 

**Inflation and supply-chain issues can be resolved by increasing oil production and the refining of our cleaner gasoline and clean natural gas. And a more "thoughtful-transition" will improve our ability to reduce threats to ocean life and land, but understand the climate IS changing because Earth's climate has been changing for 4.3 billion years...Just saying...  

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning novelist and former journalist...

Patchwork Publishing, LLC