Friday, February 2, 2024



"The CONSTITUTION represented not a grant of power from rulers to the people ruled--as with King John's grant of the Magna Charta at Runnymeade in 1215--but a grant of power by the people to a government which they had created." [Chief Justice Warren Burger, U.S. Supreme Court, 1969-1986]


This is an election year in the United States of America. What 'may' happen? Well, absolutely anything if previous years are an indication - why? Because the human-factor is oh-so unpredictable. 

Since I don't know astrology or how to read palms, tealeaves or Taro cards, I went the easy route. This year, 2024, the numbers 2+2+4= 8. In numerology the number "8" apparently follows Achievers. America, [actually the entire globe] could certainly benefit from the energy of Achievers, but not just any group of Achievers - only those with Ethics...  

"Of all the numbers in Numerology, the number 8 is the achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. It has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The 8 is also a symbol of balance -- you can see it in its symmetrical shape."

America's Founders were the very definition of principled achievers. They were not only resolute, they also approached their monumental task [creating a new nation] with the best of intentions...

"Throughout the steamy Philidelphia summer of 1787, the fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention often feared that all was lost. Disgusted, some returned home, but others remained to compromise...and compromise...and compromise... The questions seemed endless. Would big states dominate the small? Who had the power to tax? What were property rights? Then there were issues of trade, treaties, banks, westward expansion and the festering institution of slavery. In the end, the "Framers" agreed on a document whose objectives were set forth in the name of "We the People"... [David Osterlund, June 13, 1995]


Osterlund's portrayal: compromise...and compromise...and compromise - is a remarkable description of just how determined the original Framers of our constitution were - not just to get it finished, but to get it right. Today, 237 years later how much compromise do we see in our Congress or Senate? How much cooperation? 

*We-the-People have come to expect none. Why is that? 

Liberal views and conservative views have become so polarizing that a Republican is seen as the rival of a Democrat and vice versa. Instead, all liberals and all conservatives should be governing partners. Partnerships bring a balance quality of another approach, of another perspective - in order to develop the best policies for the most people, most of the time. 

 With the evolution of a two-party system MainStreet typically hears from only half the elected voices, half the time. Then during an election cycle each party member is challenged to 'win' and not because they can necessarily better serve those who voted them into public office, but for control. 

Our Constitutional Framers never intended for this Republic to have a party-system, only delegates elected from each state. B-e-c-a-u-s-e, after the experiences of constant clashes in the British Parliament between the Whigs and Tories, creating any defined political party was specifically avoid by the Philidelphia delegates. The delegates who met in 1787 were in favor of individual representatives chosen by the People on merit and personal integrity to fill a Senate and Congressional seat and an Executive seat. That all changed with the divisive views on slavery. The southern states viewed slavery from a business perspective while northern states viewed slavery as a moral issue.  

Lost to time and some administrative tweaking/ignoring the original Framer's intent--was a newly formed nation that went from being ahead of its time, to 100 years later, firmly stuck in a stubborn patriarchal quicksand. 

*America was one of the last established nations to abolish slavery: Norway in 1274 and France in 1315 then between 1792 and 1847 Denmark, Haiti, Spain, England, Cuba, Mexico and Sweden had all outlawed the practice of owning another human being...

*Women in New Zealand, Finland, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, England, Hungry, Estonia, Austria, Latvia, Georgia, Germany and Poland were all voting several years before those in [1920] America. 

*Except for medicine, America is still using the Imperial Measurment system, while the rest of the world uses Metric. 

*Since 1929, America's paper currency was the most counterfeited in the world, yet it remained little changed until 1990 when new designs with better deterrents were finally developed. But implementation still wasn't complete until 2000, well behind the rest of the globe that had changed their currency a full decade before. 

*Though all Senators, Congressional Representatives, their staff and all federal government employees have enjoyed a comprehensive healthcare plan - since 1959 - none of the rest of America's citizens have been offered anything near the same. Instead, MainStreet/voters/taxpayers have been left to cope with inflated healthcare costs [w/malpractice lawsuits] that have put millions of citizens at serious financial risk for the last seven + decades, but without receiving better care. A report by Gibbons Advisors stated that healthcare related bankruptcies spiked to the highest level in 2023. A Harvard study sighted that 62.1% of all bankruptcies were caused by medical related issues.  Working Without A Net: HEALTH-CARE IN AMERICA ( 

*Fifty years ago--while employers and governments all over the developed world began to offer either onsite childcare or subsidies for childcare as well as longer paid leave at home for new mothers--U.S. business and governments [those seeking reelection contributions from business] resisted such family support. 

*The cost of pharmaceutical drugs is significantly lower in other countries because they are also researched and developed via universities and hospital facilities. They are also 'not' marked up as if they were a luxury option. In America the free-enterprise system [contributing to many, many reelection campaigns] once again inflates the cost to develop medicines. Certainly, it may take years [so claimed] but all of that time and expense is also a tax deduction and working 'with' the FDA could also streamline research and development. 

*Public school education has deteriorated steadily since 1993 from 6th in the world to 29th. Working Without A Net: EDUCATION IN AMERICA (

*America has more prison incarcerations per capita than any other developed nation. And with a trend to more 'private' prisons there's even less motivation for the kind of rehabilitation programs like those of Germany and the Scandinavian countries. We also have the highest mass shooting rate of any developed country, with less mental illness or family support programs... Working Without A Net: PRISON REFORM IN AMERICA ( 

For this current election year - sadly - our present choices appear to be the same two 'people.' we were stuck with in 2020...

IF this is our reality come November 2024 - let me assure each and every one of my fellow-travelers we 'DO' have a 3rd choice. We can write in the name of NIKKI HALEY [if you lean conservative] or DEAN PHILIPS [if you lean more liberal]... 

Those who seek to control cars we drive or stoves we use or how we heat or cool the homes we buy, or any other consumer product to regulate, are not the Government. They are managers, hired to serve - and that should always be remembered. "We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can see no land--nor, perhaps, the sun and stars. But there is a chart and a compass for us to study, to consult, and to obey. The chart is the Constitution." Daniel Webster   

*Our Constitution is: "Government of the the People...for the People." Abraham Lincoln...  

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning mystery suspense novelist and former journalist.

Patchwork Publishing, LLC     Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack 

24 Sussex Drive: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781493732395: Books

Come Sit In My Kitchen - Kindle edition by Todd-Beshore, Sherrie. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

WOODROW & WREN...: The Rule Of Three: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9798466558241: Books