Friday, January 15, 2021


Dear George...Perhaps Ted Koppel meant the Press as Gatekeeper in a good way, but print and television news over the last sixty years has ceased to 'serve' the People in favor of serving greater advertising dollars and far too many governing in public office who more and more, are extreme. 

In my 55+ neighborhood we are not members of Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation" -  we are their offspring - known statistically as Baby Boomers.

Boomer-Babies began arriving in 1946 [Harry Truman was President] after men returned from WWII and women returned from factories. Bundles of babies continued to arrive at the rate of about 4,000,000 a year for eighteen years until 1964 [Lindon Johnson was President].

In total 76,000,000 Boomers invaded this nation triggering an explosion of schools and housing construction through three decades from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. 

Well into the 21st Century Boomers are now aging at the same pace we arrived, but still relevant. Well--as of 2019--71,200,000 of us were never the less taking up considerable space and still consuming and voting, though the stats for 2020 may show a significant drop in our numbers.

Regardless, Boomers remember when President John F. Kennedy was elected and assassinated and when, to our horror, the same fate ended the life of Martin Luther King then Robert Kennedy. Boomers were the free-love Flower Children of Woodstock with its marijuana infused music as an escape from so many college riots, Watergate, civil injustices and the Vietnam War.

Boomers went to college in greater numbers than any generation before. We navigated a major social shift provided by the birth control 'pill' and ironically protested at the same time for safe abortions. We marched for the ERA - equal pay for equal work...Something females still don't have. But, these events and hundreds more since our years in school have been relegated to the pages of the history books our grandchildren read. However, we not only lived those events - we remember them vividly

Okay - so how you ask - does any of this relate to Journalism in America?  It relates to how investigative journalism has become smear, rumor and innuendo journalism. Because as kids, teens then young adults 'we' remember a time when journalism wasn't theater for TV ratings or print sales. We remember when journalism could be relied upon to include facts in reporting. We remember a time when liable laws and ethics kept spoken and printed speculation in check. 

Perhaps Boomers remember too much making us an inconvenient witness to mid-century history and too much news we recognize as openly slanted. The last noble act by our Fourth Estate was Watergate - most everything since is in doubt.

The Boomer generation also has a highly developed ability for critical-thinking which causes us to question the motives behind contradictions from one news segment to the other. In 1971 Judge Gurfein stated; "A cantankerous Press, an obstinate Press, a ubiquitous Press must be suffered by those in authority in order to preserve the greater values of freedom of expression and the right of People to know." [But not an inconsistent Press.]

Further lending an even greater responsibility to the Press itself for their privileged place in our First Amendment - Justice Hugo Black later wrote; "The Press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the People. Only a free and unrestrained Press can effectively expose deception in government."


The last five years media so openly hostile and biased as to fervently report [repeatedly] prejudicial and unverified accusations that tiptoe across slander laws. [Example: the melodramatic attempt to block an appointment of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh had such an exemplary personal and professional record that desperate smear-hunters had to dig all the way back to an obscure party from his high school years - to charge him with a single created accusation by one person whom Kavanaugh vaguely remembered as attending his old high school.] 

Question: where was CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS or PBS during the Benghazi hearings? State Department staff lost their lives in a brutal attack - but Hilary Clinton's arrogant dismissal of events didn't earn the same intense circus coverage as Stormy Daniel's narrative. And - where was the New York Times or The Washington Post investigative reporting when thousands of Hilary Clinton's Classified State Department emails ended up on the personal laptop of convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner?  Just asking...And regardless of your political party leaning - you might ask too.

Like Trump - don't like Trump makes no difference...I get that most of Trump's Tweets have been well beyond cringe-worthy. Then too his unscripted remarks [eg. Rocket Man] cause us to shake our heads until we're almost dizzy. Regardless, it's the Office-Of-The-Presidency and Voter-Rights at the heart of our Republic to which, open Fourth Estate attacks only work to 'serve' far too many of the governors like the majority seated in our 116th Congress.

People with the ability for critical thinking can only guess at how that media loyalty is made worth while in order for so many radio and television networks and print news associations - to continue to compromise their First Amendment responsibility. What is the significance of that hidden value?

One would expect that not all journalists agree with their producers, editors or publishers. [I spoke up to my Life-Style Editor when I wrote for the Calgary Sun and lost a job I dearly valued.] WeThePeople should be able to rely on the ethics of an individual journalist.  When NBC viewers listen to the reassuring voice of Lester Holt - whose predecessor was Brian Williams caught exaggerating his experiences - we wonder. Then what happened to CBS Anchor Jeff Glor? Was Glor too conservative so abruptly replaced by Nora O'Donnell whose liberal views stepped in line with executive decision makers?

I have noticed that of the six major television news networks FOX is balanced the best, featuring both liberal and conservative guests not even remotely considered on ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS or PBS. Even so, FOX's Tucker Carlson can get carried away and every bit as passionate as CNN's Jake Tapper or Chris Cuomo. However, at least People can tune into FOX and then perhaps PBS to maybe hear both sides of an issue. [Every voter should be seeking their news information from more than one source.]

Going forward...Voters can push for a First Amendment insert in the form of a Standard Clause that: no member of any Press be allowed to either endorse or oppose any candidate seeking public office. [Simply report accurate documented facts - evidence, not hearsay.]

The Press isn't protected by our First Amendment to function with impunity...

Newspaper publishing of The Pentagon Papers was almost compromised by a longstanding social relationship of Washington Post Publisher, Katherine Graham [and her late husband] and America's then Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara [and his ill wife]. The Press in partnership with Politicians creates a conflict of interest by which objectivity - stands at risk.

What news media does too often now is 'feed' People a version of the truth from media perspective - as media see it. But partial information still creates mass ignorance that if the masses knew - the masses could make more informed decisions. [Or is that the point?] Releasing only some of the information some of the time is still a lie - massaged by a Press that only seem to hold conservative People accountable.

A healthy economy needs a balance of small, medium and large business to support and employ People. A healthy republic needs a balance of both liberal-social programs and conservative-corporate profits.

At this crossroads how does America turn present toad-journalism into a fact-prince that serves the People for which it was originally intended? With public pressure that process must come from within by principled publishers, editors, producers, field journalists and news researchers - who care.

In the meantime People can call and/or write their state and federal representative, because many politicians have been misquoted and/or misrepresented by journalists. In newspapers and on TV make note of the advertisers then call or email them with your concerns, threatening to 'not' buy their product if the network or newspaper doesn't put facts before creative-writing.

It is the 'job' of every citizen of every free nation to ensure their nation remains free - and to do that - The People need to patrol the activities of journalists and those elected to serve in public office. People can stop print and electronic Press from using innuendo, slander, rumor and barefaced lies as legitimate news - replacing it with plain, simple facts and restoring the Fourth Estate to the respected profession it once was.

*Sherrie Todd-Beshore is a mystery suspense novelist and former journalist... 

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Romantic Suspense-Thriller: "Shadows And Light"

Romantic Suspense-Thriller: "Behind The Sun"

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


After raising children - who attended various Canadian and American public school systems I have a genuine concern with the present quality of education for future generations.

What are they learning? 

If it's true according to a survey by the Jewish National League, that 40% of recent college graduates do 'not' know about the Holocaust, then do those same graduates know there 'was' a World War II - or even WWI?

What is currently being taught from kindergarten to grade 12? Or - worse - what is 'not' being taught?

In 1990 the United States was ranked 6th globally in Education. So, what happened, but more importantly why?  Question: Is it easier for those governing to convince voters that 'politicians-know-best' IF entire generations of voters don't have anything to compare what 'looks/sounds' good now with what is not good for the longer term?  Scary concept. 

Personally - I'd want to govern a country [as vast and diverse as the U.S.] packed with wise, well informed, well educated, well experienced people. Wise people can look after themselves. Wise people are able to understand layers of different concepts. Wise people start and run businesses. Wise people contribute with ideas, innovation, research and development... 

When former President Bill Clinton [D] came into office in 1993 America was still ranked in the top ten globally. Regardless; Improving education was a cornerstone of the Clinton-Gore administration...Okay, what was improved? Because -- when Clinton left office in 2001 America's global education ranking had dropped to 17th. 

Clinton was followed by President W. Bush [R] [married to a former educator] who developed the catchy: No Child Left Behind, program. Well, something got left behind, because funding for education was cut everywhere federally, overshadowed after 9/11 by a vast increase in military spending. 

That steady decline in funding state public school curriculum created a surge in Charter Schools that competed with so many [failing] public schools. America's global education ranking by 2018 was even lower still at 27th. [Interesting to see which countries were a head of the U.S.]

IF, the United States is to 'keep-up' let alone complete in a world of medicine, technology, efficient [natural] food production, clean[er] energy etc...America needs an entire nation of well educated or well read or well informed people with the ability to use critical thinking. Henry Ford understood the value of creating shared autonomy when he not only increased pay for his assembly workers from $1 a day to $5 a day - he paid all of his workers the same including minorities.

Which brings us to the subject of how income affects education. Does higher income/more tax money make better schools? Let me answer that question by asking another. Using New Jersey as an example; how many schools face seriously deferred maintenance in lower income districts compared to higher income districts? Answer: Paterson, New Jersey [median income $32,915] needs an additional $500,000 just to meet base safety standards, but in Tenafly, New Jersey [median income $140,923] no schools have deferred maintenance.

Would a national federal standard requiring a fairer distribution of education tax dollars mean that schools in Paterson get their school roofs inspected every five years like Tenafly? You bet. Would it mean teachers are paid better? You bet. Would it mean that school supplies are supplied by the school and not the teachers? You bet. Would it mean that music is as important as math? You bet. 

Using simple math [because I'm a writer] lets pretend New Jersey and all 49 other states [and 5 territories] averaged all incomes then created a national standard for the same amount of each education tax dollar collected, from each taxpayer to each school - regardless of district median income. 


 Ammunition for the War-On-Poverty is an 'equal' primary education - followed by equal opportunity to certify in a trade or earn a two year associate degree or full four year degree.


President Trump [R] [who didn't go to public school] appointed Betsy DeVos [who also didn't go to public school] as Education Department Secretary. Was DeVos okay with the status quo of a diluted, inequitable public school funded curriculum? Apparently so, because what did Betsy do with some of her budget? Betsy scrapped guidance that attempted to reduce suspension rates for students of color; she eliminated how districts could consider race in school integration plans, but nothing about ensuring every student had enhanced learning or a clean, safe building in which to learn. 

*Education budgets are routinely cut, but somehow Congress found $8.6B to allocate for Covid19 relief. 

Let us now take a look to Miguel Cardona [who did go to public school] the pick for Education Department Secretary, by President Biden [D]. Perhaps [if confirmed] Cardona might consider a few What-Ifs :

*What if music, yoga and team sports was standard in all primary K-12 public schools?

*What if a Life-Skills program was standard [girls&boys] for grades 9-12 with home budgeting/using credit, simple investing, a simple tax return, cooking, sewing, nutrition, simple electrical, plumbing, carpentry? 

*What if History was K-12 with American History K-4th then World History 5th-12th with how America came to fit in? How about world geography too - Fischer Price toys makes nice map puzzles!]

*What if a second language and English [with grammar] was K-12?

*What if we actually showed our kids equality by supporting all schools regardless of zip code?

*What if we addressed the sources of school bullying by helping the bullied and the bully?

*What if the nation was standardized so no matter where kids lived they received the same high quality primary education?

*What if our kids were taught TO think not just fed limited-diluted information of 'what' to think?

*What if the same education standard we had in the mid 20th Century was returned to all American primary schools in the 21st Century?

*What if it was unconstitutional to cut primary school budgets? [Perhaps cut the salaries of administrators instead...]

*What if America brought back the 'DRAFT' but with a focus on conscripting our youth to complete a Gap-Year of domestic-public-service immediately after high school graduation?   [Teens in the northwest would be sent to the southeast and reverse - then teens in the southwest would be sent to the northeast and reverse. Kids in foster care wouldn't be dumped out on their own at 18 and homeless teens would have a place to go with purpose. Kids from higher income families would work with kids from middle and lower income families...Each new generation of senior teens would develop greater maturity while they experience other parts of America, working anywhere there is a need for volunteers in any community. The teens would get a distinctive uniform - their food and logging provided - earn $1 an hour - and their first year of college or training for a trade, paid for.  Just a thought...]

And now we come to the zoom upward in college and university tuition...What's 'that' about?  Starting in the late 1990s and for a runaway decade into the early 2000s, pseudo colleges popped up in office spaces on side streets and in strip malls offering 6month, 10month and 18month  'certificate-classes' in a variety of fields in everything from medicine to real estate to food and then some.

Somehow these schools got authorization to offer second-tier diplomas and their students got the ability to qualify for student loans. Though getting a job after graduation was not so easy. However, millions of dollars in fees for student loans were funneled to hundreds of these businesses for classes taught by people with marginal experience or qualifications.

Observing the lucrative diversion of student loan money heading in the direction of so many smaller and 'pop-up' colleges - prompted the larger established state colleges and universities to steadily raise their tuition rates [almost] with every semester. The result [so far] has been twenty years of graduates with artificially high student loan debt and interest rates.

Because of fractured standards America falls behind. And too many people elected to serve in public office [employed by us/their peers] patch programs that will leave the vast majority our next generations poorly prepared to compete with the rest of the globe - because - they won't know what they don't know - until they discover they can't keep up.

But anyone on Biden's new cabinet and anyone who represents your state and county is only an email or phone call away. So let your federal and state representative know you exist and how you feel and what's important to you. Be informed and stay informed.

"KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" Elizabeth Smith Friedman

*Sherrie Todd-Beshore is a mystery suspense novelist and former journalist... 

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MG/YA Mystical-Adventure: "The Crow Child"

MG/YA Mystery Series [Mosquito Creek Detective Club]: Book1 "Mosquito Creek Inn"