Thursday, April 15, 2021



Dear George...It's spring 2021 and I'm not sure you could recognize the Republic for which you crossed the Delaware in the dead of winter to form. 

'WOKE' is the latest catchword our national Press-theater [posing as journalism] blasts across the headlines of most print and network news. Naturally curious I looked up the word [in Webster's New World Dictionary] and woke is actually the past tense of wake.  

Being past-tense is appropriate - because those who believe they are 'progressive' are actually not as aware as they think. In fact they are following a carefully crafted agenda not leading [themselves] with their own independent thought. But independent thought or analysis or questioning or curiosity is not what those pushing the 'counter-culture' want their 'followers' to do.

Don't misunderstand me--I'm truly thrilled that as a nation we're having renewed, difficult and uncomfortable dialogue about race and gender. What Martin Luther King began in the late 1950s and Gloria Steinem launched in the early 1970s - was systematically diluted by the late 1990s. And ironically, what both Dr. King and Ms Steinem marched for was quietly shelved by the very group of people who would convince us they care deeply about balanced race relations and gender equality...Hogwash...Extremists don't care about 'balance' they care about 'control'.

How does a subversive group with a covert agenda attain control? This process is a long-game...So much so that most people live their entire lives not noticing subtle, erosion changing around them. [Germany, 1933--Venezuela, 1980...] 

First, provide just enough education so people believe they're learning. And they are, but with a narrow curriculum of selected material knowledge is not broad it's limited. America's public school education from the early 1950s to early 1990s was first rate. Once upon a time...American students graduating from high school with a grade 12 education had the equivalent of what is now 2nd year college, general studies. From 1993 to 2018 America's world standing in public school education dropped from 6th place to 28th - two years before Covid19 hit. Also from the mid 1990s to present was a sudden leap in college and university tuition. So much so that low income and middle class students who were once able to work part time while earning an advanced degree either dropped out or graduated with twice the debt load as their peers had in the 1980s. What does this mean? It means those who can afford to pay for a better curriculum [both primary and secondary] get a better education. Actually 'they' get a 'full' education. 

[Knowledge is power...But people need honest education not skewed propaganda. Education seeks to expand our mind so we learn to 'think' for ourselves. Propaganda seeks to 'change' our mind so we think as directed. ]

Second, create division. A proven military strategy is: "divide and conquer". And, presently we are quite divided.  1.--We are divided politically...The 'style' of Donald J. Trump soon became gasoline on smoldering suspicion by entrenched, career politicians who felt invaded by an outsider they feared could expose their secrets. Having said that, DJT's abrasive approach did not [as yet] expose specifics, but did expose mini empire building and a vast network of corruption that does permeate several of our DC government departments.  2.-- We are divided economically...Since the mid 1990s salaries and compensation of corporate CEOs and executives has taken the same giant leaps upward just as university and college tuition. This swift shift effectively stranded the once upwardly mobile, majority middle class becoming a weaker, dwindling block.  3.--We are divided culturally via race. Since everyone from everywhere came 'here', culturally we should [all] think of ourselves as American[s] and we did up to the late 1950s. Then with new inequity awareness of the Negro in the 1960s a rapidly expanding liberal element in our national Press Corp began to focus on minorities for news-profit. Effectively all American citizens with a 'minority' ancestry were cut-from-the-herd as Americans and promoted as  Something-else-American. [A citizenship designation not found in other countries, not even other melting-pot nations like Canada or Australia or the UK.] No European immigrants are labelled by the news media such as: French-American or Norwegian-American...Why is that?

Third, count on disbelief. While researching historical facts for my last mystery-suspense novel ["Come Sit In My Kitchen"] I discovered something quite startling that hadn't resonated with me for an earlier novel ["24 Sussex Drive] because now our stark, artificial divisions are made so obvious. What resounded, during the research of my last book was not just the statistics for the number of Nazi spies and sympathizers [estimated 5 million] who infiltrated everyday life in Canada and the United States [between World War I and World War II] but that the mindset never 'left' after WWII ended. That manic attitude driving the quest for total domination not only stayed it multiplied like bacteria. Senator Joseph McCarthy tried, but while he created Black Lists of suspected Communist supporters and chased their shadows from as many obscure corners as he could--he earned the reputation as that of a lunatic. However, we should have been paying closer attention. Because McCarthy's methods concentrated mostly on easy to accuse high profile wealthy people and celebrities - the real Communists, Marxists, Nazis and social threats seeking a dictatorial opportunity - worked in hiding.  

 From here forward...We need to pay attention and adopt the courage of Martin Luther King's peaceful protest, by questioning rather than accepting. 

The energy of King's social quest not only shone a wide, bright light on the daily imbalance of black lives in America, it lead to other organized protests for so many other causes. Today we have a greater awareness of the: disabled, equal pay and opportunity for women and every minority. Impartial hiring and promotion practices for women, the gay community and minorities, non-discriminatory college admissions and fair lending practices for women and minorities...These are only a tiny few of the changes thanks to the peaceful-protest wave that MLK started.

There are ruthless people hiding their intentions with self-serving plans that don't include the continued "pursuit of happiness" we can earn on our own. But MainStreet [liberal and conservative] can only detour selfish plans by understanding WeThePeople have been sucked into an outdated Cold War propaganda that sets us up for unrealistic beliefs. America is a great country, but to claim it's the 'greatest' in the world insults all people living happily in another homeland. And the WWII hold over that our president is; 'Leader of the Free World' is also an unacceptable offense. 

The United States was formed so all people who wanted to - regardless of birth circumstance - could work to climb out of poverty, becoming more than a serf beholden to a king, or a landlord or a government. The United Nations was formed for global citizens to unite in support and peace regardless of philosophies. 

Personally I'm against abortion--but I'll fight to support the right for anyone else to choose...Personally I'm for self reliance and free enterprise, but also understand that there must be a certain number of social programs for those who truly need them. Personally I'm not a 12 hour a day person in pursuit of wealth, but I'll fight against a 'tax' that seeks to take what you worked long hours for because I can't be bothered... So my fellow-Travelers to protect what we hold dear - what is required of a free people in a free nation involves more than the catchword WOKE - it requires of us to truly be aware and AWAKE...


*Sherrie Todd-Beshore is a mystery-suspense novelist and former journalist.

Via  or 

Suspense-Thriller: "Behind The Sun"

MG/YA Mystical-Adventure: "The Crow Child"