Friday, October 29, 2021


Dear George...What did America's supply-chain look like in 1776 Mr. Washington and was secrecy so unrelenting then too? The vast amounts of information kept from the masses [voters/consumers/tax-payers] is beyond staggering...

I'm not talking about military secrets - though in the 21st Century humans walking upright should be well beyond that archaic mentality. No, what I'm amazed about is all the hidden information that surrounds and affects our everyday lives from the environment [Green & Clean In America] -to- medicine [Healthcare In America] -to- education [Education In America] -to- how we get the products and goods we rely on to our homes. 

In early 18th Century America, Colonial Trade Routes consisted primarily of ships from the countries that had staked land claims to colonize the New World. Initially England, France, Spain and Holland then later Portugal the rest of Europe and Africa. But even before the Industrial Revolution Upper and Lower Canada and the fledgling 13 Colonies discovered after only a few decades they could be largely self-sufficient if ships from the mother-country were late or lost at sea. So only a few decades in [latest fashion aside] Europe truly needed the New World more than the other way around.

But, until Industrial-America realized it could expand on its own raw materials Colonial-America shipped vast amounts of lumber, furs, tobacco, rice and dried fish - traded for textiles and manufactured goods from England and Europe.       

Leap forward to 2021 and North America [Canada, Mexico and United States] can be uniquely self-sufficient - however, that ability is kept an open-secret. Governing state and federal department heads and corporate board members seek hefty chunks of income from the general public to fulfill their goals. In order to accomplish their goals, these same entities have come to believe that IF we the general public knew too much we might object. And, we might...

Inundated hourly and daily beginning in 2020 by media statistics of Covid19 cases and deaths was soon merged with ventilator shortages and mask shortages and glove shortages and medical gown shortages due to a breakdown in the, 'Supply Chain'. Because China had locked down first and America with much of the industrialized world [had put most of its manufacturing eggs-in-one-basket] suddenly there was no chain-of-supplies, nor any back-up inventory either. Was the sudden and total lock-down in China by those in communist government leadership deliberate? My research points to it as an experimental yes, but the panic here didn't last long because free-enterprise savvy jumped in to fill those medical equipment gaps.

Now it's late 2021 and though we have no shortages of toilet paper North America supposedly has shortages of many other essential goods and products like, pumpkins? Really? Not where I live...And artificial Christmas trees? Not at the Lowe's and Home Depots in my city...Anyway, our media [and we all know how accurate they are] dutifully report, hourly and daily that the backlog of ships off the coast of California is caused by consumer pent-up demand. Apparently we have ordered unprecedented amounts of everything. Nah! What we have are container ships with ordered goods that didn't go out in 2020 arriving in the Port of Los Angeles just ahead of container ships with goods committed for shipment in 2021 that just happens to have such a restricted requirement for transport trucks the backlog is exaggerated.

However, Fellow-Travelers - the Port of Los Angeles is not the only port! In the United States of America there are 98 other ports of entry [military and domestic] 79 of which accept foreign imports for all manner of goods from all corners of this planet! SO--WHY is only the Port of Los Angeles featured daily on all major networks??? Why indeed...

I'll tell you why. So that - every - single - company that sells anything to the duped consumer/taxpayer can justify raising the prices of anything and everything they peddle...Certainly fuel prices have gone up and wages have gone up--but new higher wages only bought the recipients about two months. Those wage increases became another checkered flag to begin a race to increase prices for all goods and services long before boats appeared off the coast of California.

Who owns some of our companies here? It was shortsighted enough that companies sent most manufacturing overseas, but too many of the people elected to public office are playing poker with several internal-supply-chains.  In 2013 Chinese investors bought Smith Foods. Chinese investors bought GE Appliances. Ingram Micro distributes Apple iPhones and Cisco's network equipment. Motorola was bought by Lenovo.

Not everything should be going up 8% and 10% and 15% and 22% or higher. This is nuts, because not everything we truly need is on those container ships off the coast of California. Thousands of ships are unloaded everyday in New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Washington, Florida, all along the Great Lakes, South Carolina...and more...

Not everything we consume is transported by ship. Besides the states that provide grain crops and produce to eat or cook fresh or for canning and freezing, we import food and goods from five other countries we're connected to by land with their products reaching us via roads and rail.

Mexico exports corn, sugarcane, sorghum, wheat, tomatoes, bananas, chili peppers, lemons, limes, mangos, beans, barely, avocados, blue agave and coffee. Tiny Belize exports sugar and molasses, bananas, oranges and grapefruit, marine products and crude petroleum. El Salvador exports soybean meal, corn, wheat, cotton, prepared food, textiles, chemicals, rubber, plastics and metallic products. From Honduras there's chemical products, corn, bananas, coffee beans, tobacco, sugarcane, shrimp, lobster, olive oil and clothing. Guatemala exports coffee, cotton, sugarcane, bananas, celery, cauliflower and asparagus. From Canada there's various minerals, wheat, canola, barely, corn and soybeans, rye, oats and white beans. There's also a back and forth trade [depending on liberal or conservative governments on both sides of the 49th Parallel] of lumber, beef, pork and fish. 

The ingredients for toothpaste and shampoo, soap and most cleaning needs [like one part vinegar with three parts water] is cheap and plentiful, but the profit margin is huge. Basic shampoo from scratch...Put two or three tablespoons of baking soda into the bottom of a recycled squeeze bottle-add three cups of hot water and shake-add a few drops of a favorite scented essential oil. After it settles for a few minutes apply 1/4 to 1/2 cup to wet hair, work it in then rinse. For homemade toothpaste, take 2/3 cup baking soda add 1tsp fine sea salt and 1-2 tsp of peppermint extract or other concentrated flavor. [Avoid commercially made toothpaste containing activated charcoal or any type of sulfates].

The Federal Reserve keeps mouthing transitory as if the artificially created inflation [that began with reduced petroleum refining] can be compared to a passing sinus headache. Once prices go up-industry is not inclined to allow them to go down. They will reduce the sizes and the quantity, but cut off an arm before they reduce prices. The media reports that consumers should prepare for sticker-shock...Well--consumers have the money and if we can not eat it - do we really need to buy it? And if we can't afford something we'll find an alternative we can afford. So, maybe the shock will be with a grasping retail, food and entertainment industry that sees consumer loyalty vanish...

Once business and politicians have lost public trust and the public realizes there was a collusion of secrets that made us think there were shortages we needed to worry about, then deep-doubt makes the masses tough to convince ever again...

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award winning mystery suspense novelist and a former journalist...

Via and/or

"The Count Of Baldpate" sequel "Year Of The Dog"

"Fine Point Malice And Payback"





  1. Another well researched article, yes we are being lied to, or mislead... nothing new there. Lies always attempt to protect someone. So who is protected, it isn't Joe six's the 1% of the 1%, the handful of people in the world that own Vanguard and Black Rock that own all the Banks, all the media, that have made them so wealthy. The Banks created the inflation, the asset bubbles, they maintain the 1% of the 1% who want utter and ultimate control, and the media hides them. The phony supple chain issues and tyrannical government mandates are just symptoms we just need to expose the real cause...the 1% of the 1%.

  2. Well done Sherrie......another great insight to the "shortages" for consumers these days. Great research and plenty"food for thought". Jackie

  3. The published research for this Blog was only the 'tip' of a supply-chain pyramid. There's so much more I could have included, but at least this gives other consumers a glimpse from another direction...
