Monday, October 14, 2024



What is a "Fair Share"? Does anyone truly know or is that a convenient catch phrase when someone who has acquired "plenty" in their political career feel terrified that the level of their wealth [and how they acquired it] could be exposed? Just asking for a friend...

Since several high-profile billionaires and millionaire [many times over] began work to build their business idea literally from their parent's garage, is years of failure and years of risk a tax deduction? How are the thousands of direct and indirect businesses and jobs that spun off from that original garage venture measured?

The United States has 748 billionaires. So, does Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris believe that these 748 people are cheating the other 341,066,420 U.S. citizens? Since one third of those billionaires are liberals who contribute generously to the reelection campaigns do contributors somehow/magically get an IRS-Pass?

DOUBLE STANDARD--How about Nancy Pelosi, former House Speaker? How does Nancy feel about 'paying' her "fair-share" after hubby [Paul] dumped $500,000 worth of VISA stock prior to a Department of Justice Antitrust lawsuit? What perfect timing Mr. Pelosi! Did Paul Pelosi have his Tarot Cards or tea leaves read? Once again, just asking for a friend...

Besides blatant "insider information"' trade abuse [a violation for which Martha Stweart went to prison 2001-2002] what Paul Pelosi also did WAS realized Capital Gain! A big-one. Are the Pelosi's also going to be taxed on their UN-realized Capital Gain? Are any of the millionaires Democrat & Republican presently holding public office in the Senate or Congress going to be taxed for the increases in their stock portfolios even though they haven't sold anything? OR, do they get a pass there too while those of us living in the 'real' world on Main Street USA get taxed?  

How would an unrealized tax on Capital Gains affect the vast portfolio of Democrat and campaign contributor and billionaire Warren Buffet? Would he still be a billionaire? Would any of the billionaires still be billionaires if they were taxed on the value of the investments they're holding? OR, would legislation magically appear to give their Blind Trust Accounts a 'pass'?

For those who have read and followed my blog they know I'm a registered Independent and have been for over twenty years. Why? Because I agree with and disagree with many approaches and positions by both staunch liberals and staunch conservatives eg. those with a law degree are not qualified to create policy that interferes with those who have medical degrees]. Having said that, it has been my observation that mainstream media spend double the airtime and print space accusing mainly conservatives of;  mis/disinformation eg. Hilary Clinton's Russia hoax and Beau Biden's laptop... [See: Working Without A Net: JOURNALISM IN AMERICA (  

CAREER POLITICIANS--"In the beginning..." of America, [two-term] President George Washington selected four people to serve on his four-member cabinet. Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of War was Henry Knox, Secretary General was Edmond Randolph. Each member of Washington's cabinet was from four different regions of the new Republic, but had NO party affiliation. Like the cabinet no members of Congress or Senate were from or formed separate parties nor was a party-system' ever intended. Members of Congress and the Senate were elected from various counties across the 13 original states, and they represented all walks of life: inn keepers, doctors, blacksmiths, teachers, farmers, storekeepers, book & newspaper publishers---you get the idea. But 'very-few' lawyers. 

Mitch McConnel [University of Kentucky College of Law] was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1985--39 years ago! McConnel's Networth in 2004 was $3.1 million--in 2024 his Network is $125 million+. [Term Limits!]  

Nancy Pelosi [Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - interned with lawyers Daniel Brewster then Steny Hoyer] was elected to Congress in 1987--37 years ago! In 2004 Pelosi's Networth was $74 million--in 2024 her NetWorth is estimated at $250 million+. [Term limits]

I could list everyone, but a much 'shorter' list is the number of federally elected members of the 2022 midterm who aren't [yet] multi-millionaires which is significantly shorter. Of the 100 Sitting Senate Members [2 from each state] only 39 did/do not have a Networth in excess of 1 million. Several however rank off the charts and coincides with theirnumerous years in public office like:  Republican Kelly Loeffler of Georgia with a net worth of more than $500 million and Republican Rick Scott of Florida whose net worth is nearly $260 million. Also among the top:  Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia with more than $214 million and Republican-RINO Mitt Romney of Utah with an estimated $174 million.  

As of 2020, over half of the members of Congress were millionaires and the median net worth of members was approximately $1 million. The original documents for each member's disclosure are publicly available on a database website, maintained by 

*To be entirely impartial here 1 million in 2024 dollars can be: one house and two cars--but my issue is with the multiple terms in which some of our "leadership" has been able to return to the public trough where they have served-themselves... 

Since law-school graduates [except 5 of Biden's Cabinet] in elected public positions make the laws and only Congress can mandate Term Limits do you, Fellow Travelers - guess in the time it takes to blink, that Term Limits like Ethics in stock trades will ever be written into a Bill that passes...? ONLY - if We-The-People are able to take Term Limits and Market Ethics to the Supreme Court, would these perhaps have a chance.  

CONFLICT OF INTEREST--Today our laws have laws [duplication and contradiction is rampant] and we are regulated beyond logic by a D.C. that is unaccountable - because routinely laws are passed that only we must comply with. eg. Senate and Congress members who buy or sell stock when they know a new regulation [they passed] will affect a stock is the very definition of insider trading--but they're legislatively-vaccinated from the same conduct that sends the rest of us to jail. [Blind-Trust? Yeah right!]

Ohhh! And the Networth of Kamala Harris, [D] VP running for the office of the U.S. Presidency [depending on how deep various research sources were able to dig] is between $6.75 million to $15.29 million. [Obviously a significant leap from middle-class, but that spread of $8.54 million is a significant gap. Why is that?] AND, Liz Chaney [R/D] also has a significant spread in the calculations of her Networth, which is curious: $8 million to $20 million. Daddy Dick's Networth was even problematic to pin down, varying from: $19 million to $86 million to $150 million...Hmmm, will they be paying their Fair-Share, too?

I read somewhere that people have stupid government, because the country has stupid voters...Have we been too lazy to 'know' who we're voting for? YES. Have we been too complacent - returning an incumbent back to their position of authority [over us] because we couldn't be bothered to change or even vote at all? YES. 

Am I disappointed in the candidate selection by both major parties? YES. What do I plan to do about it? I could write in my own name in protest -OR- write in the name of someone who already has a solid historical record both nationally as former Govenor of South Carolina and internationally as U.N. Ambassador. **I plan to write-in: NIKI HALEY for President of this United States. 

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning mystery, suspense novelist and former journalist.

Author Website:

Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack

@CanaryLocke [X/Twitter] 


Sunday, September 15, 2024



Believe it or not - there is a distinct advantage to aging and I'm not just saying that because I am one of those pesky Baby Boomers born 1946 to 1964...

The advantage for those of us between the ages of 78 and 60 is we have been witness to much of the recent history our kids and grandkids study in school. We have actually lived through each of the previous 19 election campaigns with all of the preelection promises followed by those promises often revoked postelection. We've seen this "show" already many, many, many times [different people, same sales pitch] and we're still waiting for true sincerity that survives the test of an elected official's time in office. 

What has changed nationally or globally since the end of WWII, 1946? As a species how are we humans doing? Frankly, not worth a pile of cow doodoo, though in fact, that 'recycled-grass' is actually more valuable. 

Returning, war-weary WWII soldiers had barely laundered their uniforms when those still in service were sent to fight in the Korean War. While that new conflict was taking more lives and traumatizing more civilian and military people, President Truman was convinced by General William Donovan and Head Counsel for the Office of Strategic Services to embrace the creation of an entirely new intelligence gathering agency - the CIA. On the surface post WWII not such a bad idea except the revised charter for the CIA no longer included any Oversight or Accountability to Congress as the [OSS] Office of Strategic Services had.

No accountability for anything - budget, staffing, intelligence gathering or reporting! None, zip, zilch, nada... [see: Working Without A Net: HISTORY IN AMERICA ( 

Have most of our Presidents been compromised due to either domestic, global or personal circumstances? Yes... [see: Working Without A Net: ACCOUNTABILITY - IN AMERICA ( 

Still, George Washington didn't subscribe to either liberal or conservative governing - he was for a free and fair self-governing society. [Owning slaves not withstanding]

Washington and the other framers of the U.S. Constitution believed in a single form of government. They sought to avoid a parliamentary system largely divided and often dysfunctional with two competing parties [Whigs and Tories] further influenced by a hereditary monarchy of regents with mixed abilities from one generation to another. The Framer's intent was never a leading centralized government, which is why in the Constitution every state is Sovereign.

HOT DEBT: So, let's look at what authority could be returned to the states to shrink federal size, shrink federal spending and create efficiency... 

PRESIDENT: *2021 White House Staff Budget $49.6 Million.--The office of the U.S. Presidency should not be partisan on any level, ever, because this office must 'serve' those who didn't vote for them as well as those who did. Leading by example the Presidency can unite [and keep united] this vast, diverse nation by, upon assuming office shedding any party affiliation -and- selecting qualified cabinet members from liberal, conservative and independent sources, including from the ranks of nonelected commerce. And - while we're at it why isn't half the members of each presidential cabinet an equal mix of liberal and conservative and independent? Why? Want to truly unify the country, let's hear from all the voices all of the time--huh?

**A cabinet is not mandated by either the Constitution or established law.

While there were sixteen cabinet level positions, George Washington’s original cabinet consisted of only four members.

In order to establish both credibility and balance, George Washington chose a cabinet that included members from different regions of the country.

Keep-1.]SECRETARY OF STATE: *2022 Budget was $58 Billion.--Should absolutely be an experienced diplomat and astute negotiator. That means someone educated in psychology, global history, and social studies. Not another law school graduate. Over the decades, the U.S.A. has managed to insult most other global cultures with disturbing regularity. 

Keep-2.]TREASURY SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $1.7 Trillion! - down from 2021 Budget of $6.8Trillion!--With the Federal Reserve supposedly monitoring the nation's money supply and interest rates - I don't see the need for this [Federal] cabinet position at all. This is one area that should be shared with each State as the financial/fiscal needs for each State are unique based on its commerce.  

Keep-3.]DEFENSE SECRETARY:*2022 Budget was $722 Billion.--Certainly a national concern. However, well into the 21st Century, I see this position filled by someone who should work closely with the Secretary of State...Why are we as a species still fighting with each other? Do we truly have enemies - or only nations and people we have labelled as such? For what purpose? [Has anyone in the State Department or Defense spoken with Putin? What might happen if we offered Putin membership in NATO?] Isolation creates suspicion and distrust - of us. Russia was once an ally and fought with us in WWII. Germany and Japan are now allies - how did that come about? 

Keep-4.]ATTORNEY GENERAL:*2022 Budget was $7 Billion.--This should cease to be a Presidential appointment and become a Congressional Appointment in order to remove any partisan favoritism. Justice can't be 'blind' when loyalties are biased.  

INTERIOR SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $17.6 Billion.--All federal government land, parks, resources, the Geological Survey and Indian Affairs is another obligation that should be returned to each State. Again, each State has unique mineral, water, vegetation, animal and indigenous reservation land needs. Far too many Native Americans still live without basic utilities. With state legislators their needs can be met faster, dealing with a closer, smaller bureaucracy. 

AGRICULTURE SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $26.55 Billion.--Here's another federal office that could so easily become the jurisdiction of each individual [sovereign] state.   

COMMERCE SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $11.5 Billion.--This is a department that should be working at the direction of each state depending on the needs of each state. Each state should be able to negotiate trade with other countries [especially in North America with Canada and Mexico] depending on the state's production of agriculture, minerals, manufacturing, etc... 

LABOR SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $504.5 Billion.--Here's one more federal agency that should be the dominion of each state. 

TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $88 Billion.--Except for our interstate highway system, the air-traffic control and our airport system, much in the way of transportation [rail, ports, trucking and most roads] could be better managed by each state. 

HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: *2022 Budget was $68.7 Billion.--So long as Congress monitors laws for fair and equal housing standards here's another federal department that can easily be managed by each state. Each state legislature is closer to the people of that state and each state's seasonal weather cycles has different housing needs. [Spring flooding, snow run off, tornados, hurricanes, mild winters, severe winters, extreme heat cycles - all require variations in housing design and construction.] 

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: *2022 Budget was $133.8 Billion.--Since the Senate, Congress and all federal employees have had a comprehensive healthcare plan since 1959 - why not the rest of the country? There's something very - very - very wrong with those in elected positions who allow any of their fellow citizens to go bankrupt due to a severe health issue.  [see: Working Without A Net: HEALTH-CARE IN AMERICA (

ENERGY SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $227.8 Billion.--This department could so easily be merged with a Department of the Interior in each individual state. Totally unnecessary...  

EDUCATION SECRETARY: *2022 Budget was $188.16 Billion.--Yet another department that should be in the hands of each state 'with' a basic education minimum standard of curriculum set by Congress for continuity. American public school education has dropped in global standing from 6th in 1993 to 28th by 2016. [see: Working Without A Net: EDUCATION IN AMERICA (

VETERAN AFFAIRS:*2022 Budget was $301.4 Billion.--Why not have this merged with the Department of Defense and managed by a [disabled] veteran staff? 

HOMELAND SECURITY:*2022 Budget was $52.2 Billion.--Monitors a whole lot of 'policing' agencies that are beyond redundant - and typically [for some reason] not always cooperative with each other. The U.S. Marshal's Service was the first national policing agency formed in 1789. How about we increase police training standards nationally making all state and city police U.S. Marshals [with ICE and ATF divisions]? Next, merge and modify the responsibilities of Secret Service, NIA and FBI with CIA to create a revised intelligence monitoring agency - Bureau of Intelligence Services [BIS] - that is -now- entirely accountable? 

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY:*2022 Budget was $11.2 Billion.--This too can be part of a state-run Department of the Interior. 

HIGH PROFILE REUDUNDANT AREAS: 1.] NIA/National Intelligence Agency- 2022 $23.3 Billion; 2.] U.S. Trade Representative 2022 $73 Million; 3.] Council of Economic Advisors 2022 132 Million; 4.] Administrator of Smal Business Administration 2022 $1.06 Billion; 5.] Office of Budget and Management 2022 $98.5 Billion.  **You can see for yourself where each of just these 5 samples could go. Why are they separate from Homeland or Commerce or Treasury? 

WAR, WAR, WAR AND GLOBAL TERRORISM: terrorists aren't born they're created. They evolve after surviving trauma more often than not at a young age and then endure ongoing injustice year after year afterwards. With such rooted resentment against an offending government or foreign nation - there is no place for conquered, assaulted and displaced people to express their rage except by lashing back with same. Perhaps Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes his scorched-earth approach to avenging the 1,200+ Israeli deaths of October 7 is justified - but after 11 months and 40,000+ deaths of Palestinian civilians - what he's actually doing, Fellow Travelers, is creating even more future terrorists. Netanyahu's policy has also placed the lives and future of every single Jewish person all over the globe at greater risk. So, will we see additional attacks against innocent Jews by another generation of terrorists avenging the 2024 deaths of their family members? I'm afraid so... 

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning novelist and former journalist.

Sherrie’s Substack | Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack

Patchwork Publishing, LLC 

Monday, July 1, 2024



It's not age per say that's a problem. I say that because Clint Eastwood just turned 94 and I'm sure he still has no plans to stop making movies and retire... But what is a problem is ETHICS. How are those we/voters entrusted with time and authority and influence affected/effected by Ethics?

Looking up ethics in both a dictionary and thesaurus I found the word moral-conduct in the mix along with honor, sincerity, fairness, reliability - etc...

Every person living on Main Street, U.S.A. [from sea-to shining-sea] recognizes and clearly understands the literal and social meaning of ethics, morality, honor, sincerity, fairness, reliability... Because - the vast majority of people live those very principles every day. I know this because, every day in this vast country, the vast majority of commerce and families function as such. [If they didn't, we'd see chaos, but we don't see chaos.] Grocery stores and restaurants and clinics and gas stations open for business to provide customer service while trucks and trains deliver goods, crisscrossing this country and the globe... Like busy bees, most everything runs along smoothly - most days.

What has finally reached critical mass in the United States this leap year is not a failure of ethics among the vast majority of citizens who can legally vote. What has risen to the surface of our society is a failure of ethics among far too many who seek and hold a public office [under the 'pretext'] of managing the affairs of government on behalf of their fellow citizens. 

Watching the June Debate between Biden and Trump then following the aftermath of both presentations - left me appalled and furious with both Trump and Biden and both political party executives...How insulting for We-The-People/Voters to be offered one leadership option that is clearly not well and in steady decline - then a second leadership option that is clearly running to vindicate his 2020 election loss. What the hell happened to the logical judgement of the high-priced membership organizing our two main parties? I'm sorry but their collective heads are stuck - up - their you know where! 

Biden is staying for 'his' pride and ego - and - Trump is challenging for 'his' pride and ego. How can either motivation be best for this country and/or the U.S. responsibility to our fellow, global citizens?

Has Biden violated his oath of office when he ignored the immigration laws already in place then opened our borders in order to pad his voting base? Is that conduct an impeachable offence? Did Trump violate his oath of office when he did not do more to settle the protestors who assembled the day before - January 6th? 

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Effective or ineffective management is from the top-down. Warren Buffet the historically successful investor in company after company - routinely seeks out businesses that have a track record of effective management practices. Let us/voters become more involved in the 'business' of our management and 'not' settle for marginal management abilities. Not only can we 'not' afford marginal from a fiscal perspective - we cannot afford marginal from a national or global 'security' perspective!

Sadly, three members of the Supreme Court missed a golden opportunity to work with the other six, by placing the importance that is due - to clearly define a president's authority in terms of Official/for the country or Unofficial/for personal gain. To me this question was not so much a Trump issue as a Biden issue too - and - an issue for any and all future presidents...

As a Registered Independent I like [D] Dean Philips -and- [R] Niki Haley. I haven't decided yet which name I shall WRITE IN on my November ballot - but I won't in all good conscience be able to vote for either of the present nominees - so - I'm 'not'.

NOTE: August 24--update... Well, much has shifted since I published this blog post - so now what? 

Effectively nothing has changed 'much'. I'm still not impressed with either candidate, but with Dean Phillip's name or presence nowhere to be found and Niki Haley relegated to a token convention speech then sent home, the [latent] rebel side of me might protest by writing in my own name [I] Sherrie Todd...

After decades of half-truths, backroom, under the table and side deals, graft and self-serving, our tangled 'political-web' has truly reached a critical mass-mess in which few ethical people can survive. Sadly, George Washington's Republic is in trouble...

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning mystery-suspense novelist & former journalist.

Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Substack Home - Sherrie’s Substack 

Saturday, March 23, 2024



2024 is a Leap Year -and- it's another election year as was, 2020 and 2016 etc...

Checking back, I discovered I was born in a Leap Year, not on a Leap-Day on February 29th - but a few months later...What does that mean for me, or you or anyone born in a year with 366 days? 

Because a Leap Year has 366 days is there a significance? Since, historically the United States has held federal elections every four calendar years in a Leap Year, I found that a rather curious fact. 

From 1792 to the present day, the United States has held a Presidential Election every four years, even when at war with itself. During the Civil WarAbraham Lincoln, the 16th President was elected to a second term in 1864.

Oddly enough, though an election occurs every four years, not every election year falls on a Leap Year. The reason is simple enough and is once again based on the Gregorian Calendar, which dictates that years marking the end of a century (ie: multiples of 100) are only leap years if also divisible by 400. As a result, 1600, 2000, & 2400 are leap years, but 1800, 1900, & 2100 are not.

This triviality is a minor blemish to the value otherwise provided by the simple generalization that U.S. Election Years are Leap Years. [Wikipedia, March 2024]


Okay 'fellow-travelers' besides America's quirky [election] history and present, what does some/any of this mean for 2024-Main-Street-Voters? Well, you decide...Astrologically, leap years are known for bringing luck to our lives. Hmmm, does our inflation and/or national debt need luck...

Leap-Years often represent some of the best or most poignant times. In 2024, astrology aligns with the luckiness of leap years, presenting major opportunities for refocusing on life and new beginnings. During the week of February 29th, both Mercury and Saturn move into the heart of the Sun in Pisces, forming a cazimi. A cazimi represents a new beginning, where the planets merge their energies, helping us feel recharged and ready to take on the world. [Web Bing search] 

Jupiter’s positive influence adds to this auspicious time, encouraging us to become who we are meant to be and embrace love, success, and destiny

Oh my gosh -  liberal or conservative - WeThePeople, MainStreetAmericans know all too well that America's destiny is at a tipping point -and- tipping at a place where Germany was a hundred years ago and Venezuela was only 12 years-ago...

A great Hope fell
You heard no noise
The Ruin was [from] within
          — Emily Dickinson

And in the last five years the greatest leap of all has been in our currency as well as globally because our currency is traded globally. 

But shockingly a million of our dollars just doesn't buy what it once did less than one short decade ago. Suddenly every single project, every single investment, every single cost leaped to cost a Billion. Why was that? What happened? Then suddenly in a blink our national debt went from Billions to Trillions! What! That leap took less time than from millions to Billions.

So, I went looking. Scouring several places across the World-Wide-Web gave me no comfort. The transition from millions to billions in terms of cost is a fascinating shift. Supposedly that 'shift' reflects the immense scale of economic growth and financial transformation that snuck up on us over a very short time. 

What follows is what I found, and good luck sleeping tonight - sorry...

      Millions to Billions:

    • Historically, the concept of millions was associated with substantial sums of money. For instance, a million dollars was considered a significant fortune.
    • However, as economies expanded, technological advancements accelerated, and global markets evolved, the need for larger units of measurement arose.
    • The shift from millions to billions occurred as financial transactions, corporate profits, and government expenditures reached unprecedented levels.

     Factors Contributing to the Shift:

    • Economic Growth: Rapid economic growth, especially in the post-World War II era, led to increased production, trade, and investment. As economies boomed, the scale of financial transactions grew exponentially.
    • Technological Advances: Innovations in computing, telecommunications, and transportation facilitated global trade and financial flows. Businesses and governments dealt with larger numbers due to increased connectivity.
    • Inflation: Over time, inflation eroded the purchasing power of money. What cost a million dollars decades ago may now require billions due to rising prices.
    • Corporate Giants: Multinational corporations, tech giants, and financial institutions operate on a global scale, generating revenues and profits in the billions.
    • Government Spending: Public infrastructure projects, defense budgets, and social programs involve massive expenditures. These are often measured in billions.
    • Financial Markets: Stock markets, real estate, and investment portfolios now deal with values in the billions.  [The abrupt shift from millions to billions [tipping to trillions] reflects the sheer magnitude of financial transactions globally and the ever-expanding centralized wealth via commerce.] 
    • Real Estate: The median home price in the United States increased significantly, reaching $394,600. [].
    • Billionaires’ Wealth: During the pandemic, U.S. billionaires gained almost $1 trillion in wealth, reaching a total of $3.88 trillion by October 2023. [CBS News]
    • Inflation/Government Spending... U.S. National Debt is 34 trillion and growing $34,+++,+++,+++,+++ and so on.  There are more comas separating our ever-increasing number than were in my first short story. [America is bankrupt!] 

      Who is responsible? Each and every elected official who holds a public office Republican and Democrat - every last one...And us-voters who kept electing morally and ethically compromised fools, but we were too lazy to pick someone else, because we kept voting our party-line.

By shifting away from any one party to Independent I felt 'free' to look at and consider any person running for public office conservative and liberal. And that's exactly what I've done for the last 20 years.

 For any given election I've voted for people from both parties. 

Moving on...The abrupt shift from millions to billions [tipping to trillions] reflects the sheer magnitude of financial transactions globally and the ever-expanding centralized wealth via commerce. But where does this money-virus stop? Do we race beyond 9 zeros to 12 then 15? From Quadrillion do we go to Quintillion, followed by Sextillion then Septillion, Octillion, Nonillion, Decillion? ..."Home again, home again jiggety jig"... Really? Then what becomes the price of bread using Latin numbers with 100 sets of 000 after too many comas to count? 

Does where - our government spending/value of the U.S. dollar - headed seem beyond the ridiculous to you?  Just asking for a friend...

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning mystery-suspense novelist and former journalist.

Author website: Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Where Is Eden? & Another Blended Not Shaken: Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack



Saturday, February 17, 2024



I resisted - until now - to tackle the controversy over "guns" in America/aka - "The Right To Bear Arms"...However, for some reason the latest mass shooting in Kansas City [after their Super Bowl Parade] was 'my' typing point.

What makes 'me-qualified' to weigh in-on this highly charged issue? We're all qualified fellow-travelers, because all of us at any time can become a mass-shooting statistic...

Sandy Hook [2012] should have been my tipping point, but it was so horrific I expected the mangers/politicians we/voters hire to serve in a public office, would step up. I expected them to address all the 'holes' surrounding the sale of automatic weapons or the sale of weapons to people in therapy or on mental medications or with criminal records or at gun shows or online sales or weak background checks...  But no that didn't seem to shake-their-world [enough] nor shake voters who proceeded one year later to reelect many of the same people during 2013 midterms. Years later, were mass shootings included as an election/social weakness issue in 2016? Nope, Trump proudly courted the misguided NRA, while Clinton remained mute.

Skip to the 2020 election and did we see gun-safety or automatic weapon reform featured as a campaign item - again - nope. AND, did the Earth shake during the 2022 mid-term election? NO, yet again, and not even after the amazing, cowardly incompetence of a dozen, supposedly active-shooter-trained police at Robb Elementary!

*The employees/politicians we/voters hire to manage the affairs of 'our' government are 'not' going to do anything about this country's MASS-SHOOTING EPIDEMIC unless 'we' vote them out/fire them from office [term-limits] and hire/vote for better quality people. People who will serve and listen to 'us' their employers... 

Okay. So really, what is all the fuss about that the NRA keeps pushing gun ownership so passionately and intently? Do they have partial ownership or stock in Colt or Smith & Wesson or Sig Sauer, Remington or Mossberg & Sons, or Glock Inc....

One more time: taken in the context of the year 1791 and why the Founders were acutely tuned into the reason for The Second Amendment was 7 years of war with England for Independence [1775-1783]. So, in context the 2nd Amendment had more to do with preventing government [even the new one they were forming] from slipping into tyranny - than arming every farmer, tailor, baker, and candle stick maker, present or future. 

The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[12] While both James Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified, its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by the militia, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] militia." He argued that State governments "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army.  He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition.  [Wikipedia, 2024]  

In the end, the ratification convention was so evenly divided between those for and against the Constitution that the federalists agreed to the Bill of Rights to assure ratification. In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendments means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the National Government."  [Wikipedia, 2024]  

In the 21st century, [2008] District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held the amendment protects an individual's right to keep a gun for self-defense. This was the first time the Court had ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own a gun.  [Wikipedia, 2024]  

That would have been plenty of clarification for that section to the Bill of Rights except for the ruling of another case 8 years later to which the Supreme Court not only opened the floodgates for any and all firearm sales and ownership, it created a firearms 'stampede' I found even more surprising since the ruling was only 4 years after Sandy Hook...

In Caetano v. Massachusetts (2016), the Supreme Court reiterated its earlier rulings that "the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding" and that its protection is not limited to "only those weapons useful in warfare".  [Wikipedia, 2024]   

The 2016 case was about a woman who had used a stun-gun for self-defense, but the additional wording "not limited to only weapons useful in warfare" became a literal open-season for the sale of any and all firearms even military styles and types...The unintended consequences of 21st Century Supreme Court rulings forced all policing agencies to create military-style swat teams across the country and placed all community police officers at greater risk.

What Now? I'm weary of people holding public office who are in the butt-covering-business instead of the business of serving in the position for which they were hired. Reality check: the last 20 years both liberal and conservative politicians have been quite 'constipated' by an endless pattern of clogged decision making but Congress IS still our constituted law-making body. Regardless, our hired [Congressional] managers seem to be continually floundering. Therefore, perhaps, we might offer them ideas for direction they seem unable or unwilling to take: 

1.] All, of our 65 federal law enforcement agencies need to be networked. Never mind points for

arrests or convictions or who gets credit for what, just share data base information - period; Working Without A Net: MANDATES-LAW-&-POLICING IN AMERICA (

2.] Background checks for the purchase of any weapon that shoots bullets should absolutely take time [45 to 60 days] to approve including on the form a detailed explanation of why anyone needs any automatic/military style weapon. I can understand a handgun or stun-gun for personal protection [though mace & pepper stray work just fine] or rifles for hunting - but we need to understand how any 'normal' person can justify an AR-15 that can fire 45 rounds per minute.

3.] All doctors and therapists must report anyone and everyone taking any medication for any emotional illness [including anger management] or medical condition [including seizure disorders]. They need to be denied the ability to buy a gun on a background check. Following privacy and HIPA law just the patient's Name with a simple Medical-Disability designation is all that would be needed. [How many times have we heard family members of mass shooters who relate their relative suffered from depression? But somehow, they were actually able to buy a gun legally including the woman who also had a criminal record - who went into the Lakewood [TX] church with her young son.]

4.] Standardize National Gun Safety Regulations. Presently, we have a patched system with each state on their own.

5.] All gun shows need to be licensed and all sellers licensed dealers and the sale of all firearms at all gun shows require the same background checks by retail stores. And - why isn't there monitoring of all transactions by ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives]? 

6.] No online firearm purchases or kits, none, zip, zilch, nada... 

7.] No gun patterns or gun parts for 3D printing.

8.] A comprehensive national mental health program. With call centers that friends or family can contact to get support for someone needing companionate help - but help if they could be a danger to themselves or others. 

9.] Any adult [parent or legal guardian] who owns a firearm must keep that firearm in a locked, safe location away from any and all minor children [18 and under]. If not - then the parent[s] and/or guardian[s] shall be held accountable for any injury or death caused by an unsecured firearm. 

10. Mandatory gun safety and gun proficiency classes. We must take driving classes then a written exam before we're issued a driver's license - why is buying a gun not regulated even half as much?

Because America's 'birth' began with a protracted, volatile struggle, that acute mentality continues to this day. I was born here, but with the advantage of growing up in Canada - I see the intensity difference and it's a stark one. But Main Street's nature brought and settled by the millions of [legal] immigrants who came with energy and innovation and creativity for a life of choices - seeks simplicity and joy and contentment and peace... 

We the voter were too trusting and stopped minding the store [state & federal legislatures] so it's up to 'us' to ensure that the country Main Street honors each July 4th, the country our military, border agents and police strive to protect - is truly a nation to celebrate...

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is a former journalist and award-winning mystery-suspense novelist.

Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack 

Patchwork Publishing, LLC

Friday, February 2, 2024



"The CONSTITUTION represented not a grant of power from rulers to the people ruled--as with King John's grant of the Magna Charta at Runnymeade in 1215--but a grant of power by the people to a government which they had created." [Chief Justice Warren Burger, U.S. Supreme Court, 1969-1986]


This is an election year in the United States of America. What 'may' happen? Well, absolutely anything if previous years are an indication - why? Because the human-factor is oh-so unpredictable. 

Since I don't know astrology or how to read palms, tealeaves or Taro cards, I went the easy route. This year, 2024, the numbers 2+2+4= 8. In numerology the number "8" apparently follows Achievers. America, [actually the entire globe] could certainly benefit from the energy of Achievers, but not just any group of Achievers - only those with Ethics...  

"Of all the numbers in Numerology, the number 8 is the achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. It has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The 8 is also a symbol of balance -- you can see it in its symmetrical shape."

America's Founders were the very definition of principled achievers. They were not only resolute, they also approached their monumental task [creating a new nation] with the best of intentions...

"Throughout the steamy Philidelphia summer of 1787, the fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention often feared that all was lost. Disgusted, some returned home, but others remained to compromise...and compromise...and compromise... The questions seemed endless. Would big states dominate the small? Who had the power to tax? What were property rights? Then there were issues of trade, treaties, banks, westward expansion and the festering institution of slavery. In the end, the "Framers" agreed on a document whose objectives were set forth in the name of "We the People"... [David Osterlund, June 13, 1995]


Osterlund's portrayal: compromise...and compromise...and compromise - is a remarkable description of just how determined the original Framers of our constitution were - not just to get it finished, but to get it right. Today, 237 years later how much compromise do we see in our Congress or Senate? How much cooperation? 

*We-the-People have come to expect none. Why is that? 

Liberal views and conservative views have become so polarizing that a Republican is seen as the rival of a Democrat and vice versa. Instead, all liberals and all conservatives should be governing partners. Partnerships bring a balance quality of another approach, of another perspective - in order to develop the best policies for the most people, most of the time. 

 With the evolution of a two-party system MainStreet typically hears from only half the elected voices, half the time. Then during an election cycle each party member is challenged to 'win' and not because they can necessarily better serve those who voted them into public office, but for control. 

Our Constitutional Framers never intended for this Republic to have a party-system, only delegates elected from each state. B-e-c-a-u-s-e, after the experiences of constant clashes in the British Parliament between the Whigs and Tories, creating any defined political party was specifically avoid by the Philidelphia delegates. The delegates who met in 1787 were in favor of individual representatives chosen by the People on merit and personal integrity to fill a Senate and Congressional seat and an Executive seat. That all changed with the divisive views on slavery. The southern states viewed slavery from a business perspective while northern states viewed slavery as a moral issue.  

Lost to time and some administrative tweaking/ignoring the original Framer's intent--was a newly formed nation that went from being ahead of its time, to 100 years later, firmly stuck in a stubborn patriarchal quicksand. 

*America was one of the last established nations to abolish slavery: Norway in 1274 and France in 1315 then between 1792 and 1847 Denmark, Haiti, Spain, England, Cuba, Mexico and Sweden had all outlawed the practice of owning another human being...

*Women in New Zealand, Finland, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, England, Hungry, Estonia, Austria, Latvia, Georgia, Germany and Poland were all voting several years before those in [1920] America. 

*Except for medicine, America is still using the Imperial Measurment system, while the rest of the world uses Metric. 

*Since 1929, America's paper currency was the most counterfeited in the world, yet it remained little changed until 1990 when new designs with better deterrents were finally developed. But implementation still wasn't complete until 2000, well behind the rest of the globe that had changed their currency a full decade before. 

*Though all Senators, Congressional Representatives, their staff and all federal government employees have enjoyed a comprehensive healthcare plan - since 1959 - none of the rest of America's citizens have been offered anything near the same. Instead, MainStreet/voters/taxpayers have been left to cope with inflated healthcare costs [w/malpractice lawsuits] that have put millions of citizens at serious financial risk for the last seven + decades, but without receiving better care. A report by Gibbons Advisors stated that healthcare related bankruptcies spiked to the highest level in 2023. A Harvard study sighted that 62.1% of all bankruptcies were caused by medical related issues.  Working Without A Net: HEALTH-CARE IN AMERICA ( 

*Fifty years ago--while employers and governments all over the developed world began to offer either onsite childcare or subsidies for childcare as well as longer paid leave at home for new mothers--U.S. business and governments [those seeking reelection contributions from business] resisted such family support. 

*The cost of pharmaceutical drugs is significantly lower in other countries because they are also researched and developed via universities and hospital facilities. They are also 'not' marked up as if they were a luxury option. In America the free-enterprise system [contributing to many, many reelection campaigns] once again inflates the cost to develop medicines. Certainly, it may take years [so claimed] but all of that time and expense is also a tax deduction and working 'with' the FDA could also streamline research and development. 

*Public school education has deteriorated steadily since 1993 from 6th in the world to 29th. Working Without A Net: EDUCATION IN AMERICA (

*America has more prison incarcerations per capita than any other developed nation. And with a trend to more 'private' prisons there's even less motivation for the kind of rehabilitation programs like those of Germany and the Scandinavian countries. We also have the highest mass shooting rate of any developed country, with less mental illness or family support programs... Working Without A Net: PRISON REFORM IN AMERICA ( 

For this current election year - sadly - our present choices appear to be the same two 'people.' we were stuck with in 2020...

IF this is our reality come November 2024 - let me assure each and every one of my fellow-travelers we 'DO' have a 3rd choice. We can write in the name of NIKKI HALEY [if you lean conservative] or DEAN PHILIPS [if you lean more liberal]... 

Those who seek to control cars we drive or stoves we use or how we heat or cool the homes we buy, or any other consumer product to regulate, are not the Government. They are managers, hired to serve - and that should always be remembered. "We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can see no land--nor, perhaps, the sun and stars. But there is a chart and a compass for us to study, to consult, and to obey. The chart is the Constitution." Daniel Webster   

*Our Constitution is: "Government of the the People...for the People." Abraham Lincoln...  

Sherrie Todd-Beshore is an award-winning mystery suspense novelist and former journalist.

Patchwork Publishing, LLC     Sherrie Todd-Beshore | Substack 

24 Sussex Drive: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9781493732395: Books

Come Sit In My Kitchen - Kindle edition by Todd-Beshore, Sherrie. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

WOODROW & WREN...: The Rule Of Three: Todd-Beshore, Sherrie: 9798466558241: Books